
From latin elegantia, derivative of elĕgans: “who knows how to choose”.

And our choice is this.

We want to choose who we are and what to wear. Choose to be different. We believe that elegance is not just a tuxedo, a classic suit, a blazer that becomes a uniform. There are other worlds and other ways to explore. However, when it comes to fashion, we have a precise idea. An idea that reflects the taste, the personality, the stories of people – the choices.

Challenging canon

There is an elegance different from what we are accustomed to: less constrictive and more creative. With experience, perseverance, and a pinch of irreverence, endless possibilities can be found. It’s all about knowing the rules and then forgetting them. It’s a paradigm shift, with the simplicity of flipping a switch and the power of a revolution: the insolence to challenge the canon.

Weaving change

Changing things is part of our know-how. Sometimes it’s just a matter of details: a yes, a no, small, but everyday. It can be a shade of color, a backlight reflection. Changes arise like this, through a weaving of details. We like to pioneer, keeping our attitude for innovation in training. Experiment starts from an anchor point: our fabrics.

Two points of view make a vision

Fine and varied fabrics are innovated both stylistically and technologically. They are the product of a dual virtue: technical skill and eclecticism. The prestige of craftsmanship and the courage to imagine outside the box. An oxymoron turned into reality. That’s a richness that qualifies us, which from today we have condensed into two words. Subalpino is just that: Tailored & Rebellious.